Copy and Paste the below to an email, complete the questions and email it to the email address noted.
Question can be directed to Dick at that email address.
Application date: Name(s) and social security number(s) of all applicant(s):
Have you reviewed the information on http://www.1das.net/back_1bdr.htm including Megan's Law information and Lead Paint disclosures?
Name, phone number and email address where you can be reached:
Did you notice anything that needs repair?
Do you understand that the garage is NOT included as a part of this rental?
How long did you each live at your current residence and why are you leaving? When would you like to move into this rental?
How many smoke?
How many pets and what kind?
How long do you think you will rent this apartment?
Do you pay you rent on time?
List two credit references; include phone numbers.
Have you ever been evicted? If so why?