Copy and Paste the below to an email, complete the information and email it to me at the the below address.


Click here for a look at a SAMPLE of a Rental Agreement and other relevant information


Santa Cruz, CA. 2Bdr. Front house/apt.
I'll send it upon request, I've been invaded by babies!

Application date:

Name(s) and social security number(s) of all applicant(s):


Have you reviewed all of the information on  including Megan's Law information and Lead Paint disclosures?


Do understand that the tenant of this front part of the house/duplex pays all utilities; including for the back apartment as well as the front?


Name, phone number and email address where you can be reached:

Have you looked over the house and is it clean? 


Did you notice anything that needs repair?


Do you understand that the garage is NOT included as a part of this rental?


How long did you each live at your current residence and why are you leaving?

When would you like to move into this rental?

What is your current landlord's name and phone number?

What is each applicant's source of income and approximate annual income?

How many would be living here?

How many smoke?

How many autos?

How many pets and what kind?

How long do you think you will rent this house/apartment?


Do you pay you rent on time?

Will you provide a credit report if asked to?


Have you ever had local utilities (PG&E/SCMU) in your name?


If so which ones? Do you have an outstanding balance with any?

List two credit references; include phone numbers.


Have you ever been evicted? If so why?  
























































































































































































































































































































































































































There is no off street parking, is that a problem?

Will you be respectful of other the tenants and of the neighbors?

Would you like to include any comments?